I want to study Political Economy. Can I still do that?
Yes, of course! There are no changes to the Political Economy major. Global studies is a new
major that does not, and will not, impact IAS’s largest major, Political Economy.
Will I be able to graduate as a Development Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Asian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies or Latin American Studies major in the future?
Everyone NOW on campus, including the incoming fall class of 2016 will be able to graduate in the existing majors, provided that they declare by the end of Spring 2018. In the long run, however, these five majors will be replaced by a single Global Studies major with several tracks.
What are the Global Studies Tracks?
Global Development, Global Peace and Conflict, Global Societies and Cultures.
Will there be a language requirement, and if so, what will it be?
You will have to complete, or otherwise demonstrate competence equivalent to, four semesters of college level language training. The language must align with your declared Global Studies regional specialization.
What geographic areas can I study within Global Studies?
Each student will select one of the three tracks/concentrations listed above. They will also select one of five regional specializations. These are Asia, Africa, Europe and Russia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.
What are the lower division requirements for the new major?
• STAT 2 or STAT C8 (Foundations of Data Science)
• IAS 45 (World History)
• ECON1,2orC3
• Global Studies 10A [which, for now, can be substituted with DS10 or PACS 10 (Social
Science Introduction to Global Studies)]
• Global Studies 10B (a new course, which will focus on a humanistic approach to Global Studies)
• The equivalent of four semesters of language
What are the upper division requirements for Global Studies?
• Global Studies 102 [students can, for now, substitute IAS 102] (Critical Thinking)
• Global Studies 100 (Upper Division Core class, appropriate to the track/concentration
you choose to follow)
• Two core discipline courses (e.g. ECON 100A/B, chosen from a list of disciplinary courses
for each track)
• Global Studies 110 (Upper Division Course, focused on the area that you choose to
• Three Area Studies Electives, which can be chosen from a list of courses that has been
prepared for each concentration/track .
When will the first courses be offered?
We will offer GLOBAL 10A, GLOBAL 110A, B, C, D, E, GLOBAL 100A, B, and C {or equivalents) in spring semester 2017.
How frequently will these courses be offered?
Some of these courses will be offered every semester, while others will be offered once a year, on a rotating basis. We will prepare a planned schedule of classes so students will know roughly when each course can be taken. This will allow students to map out the major and complete it on a four-year schedule.
Can I still petition to have courses not on the lists count towards the major?
Yes, of course! But there is no guarantee that your petition will be accepted, so we encourage you to make requests early enough so that you can find a course substitution if your petition is denied.
When is the earliest I will be able to declare the major?
Summer 2017
Who do I talk to with questions?
See one of the IAS advisors and, if they can’t help you, they will direct you to the appropriate person to answer questions.